Friday, May 25, 2012

I'm back

My writing skills have gone by the way side.  This is an attempt to determine if they can and will return! :)  

I LOVE writing.  It's helpful to get my thoughts onto paper.  God speaks to me as I write.  Writing forces me to SIT DOWN (difficult for me), ponder God, get it out.  When writing I can, most often, stay focused.  Writing often pushing me to grow deeper in my faith, hear from God and so much more.  For these reasons I would like to return to blogging, if it is the Lord's desire. 

God IS so good!  This past year I have learned a few lessons -

Gardening:  If I'm not in the garden DAILY a problem quickly takes over.  I must trim, pull weeds, inspect for bugs, replant, pick ripe veggies followed by more weeding.  I intend to work in my garden every day but some days time gets away from me. 

It is up to me to tend to the garden, speak to my plans :), but only God can tell my plants to produce veggies, grow and thrive.  I do my part, God does His part (which includes trimming, weeding out the icky stuff).

This is also true in my spiritual life.  Some days I put God aside (well, not intentionally but I skip my quiet time) and in come the little irritations (bugs).  When I put God first, on a daily basis, He is so gracious to order my steps.  And I need that!

Children: Oh children!  They are a blessing & they ARE work!  I supppose we are all a work in progress. ;)  Sometimes I expect my children to become what they are not when we go out in public.  God brought this to my attention just recently.  I am doing my best to make sure I do not correct my children for something I would not mind them doing if it was just them and I.

Sometimes I attend conferences and get these WONDERFUL ideas.  Some of these ideas do not line up with God's will for our family.

I bought a fantastic sewing curriculum.  Well guess what!?  My girls told me they do not enjoy sewing.  That was a disappointment in my little world.  Don't all homeschooling children love sewing?  My girls are not into sewing but they do love painting nails, art and planting flowers!

I was never going to call my children teenagers (after learning how the word came about).  Guess what?  I have two children over the age of 13 and they think it's rather funny that I do not agree with the word teenager.  So I have decided it's ok to call them teenagers if the opportunity comes up.

I could go on but you get the drift.  My children are unique and God is growing me daily!

God you are so good!  Thank you for allowing me time with you each day.  It is a gift to be in your presence and I never want to take that for granted!  Thank you for giving us three beautiful children that teach me something new each day.  Help us to parent them as you so desire.  They are a blessing to us.  Amen

1 comment:

Gfam said...

Happy day! I love it when you write!!