Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer Break! 100 Goals

We are officially on summer break!  Woot!  Woot!

We had a successful school year and can now enjoy a relaxing, fun filled summer break.

Today, during our annual school evaluations, my kids were given an assignment.  They are to come up with their very own list of 100 goals/dreams.  Each time something is completed another item is added to the list.  It should always remain at 100 to do items.  What a great idea so I am also taking the challenge.

I won't bore you with all 100 goals but here are a few fun ideas I had:

1) Stay with an Amish family for a night.  This would be bliss!
2) Run in the rain.
3) Learn to play my flute again.
4) Get my bike fixed and ride to the beach.
5) Read 1,000 kids books (I'm talking picture books - love em!)
6) Stay off of electronics for 7 days.
7) Shoot a gun.
8) Ride on a motorcycle (passenger).
9) Sew curtains for my bedroom (learn to sew).
10) Go on a cruise with husband for 20th anniversary.
11) Start a family business.
12) Buy a farmhouse with a front porch (for my hammock).
13) Read the original Pilgrim's Progress.
14) Read 52 books (create reading list).
15) Play 25 different games.
16) Get a pedicure with my daughters (I have never had one!).
17) Debt free: credit card, medical.
18) Own an Apple laptop.
19) Make my own wine.
20) Learn to play chess (maybe drinking wine will help!)  Ha.
21) Own a log cabin on  a mountain.
22) Open a bed and breakfast with hubby.
23) Go on a mission trip.
24) Go to dinner, in a limo, with my family.
25) Memorize 12 bible verses.
26) Read through the bible in chronological order.
27) Buy hubby a recliner.
28) Complete the Love Dare.
29) Attend a toastmaster meeting.
30) Set up a business website.
31) Buy new underwear (Sad, I know!) :)
32) Drive to Arizona to see our family.
33) Weekly family pizza/game night.
34) Balance the checkbook (hate to admit that I do not do this).
35) House paid off.
36) 6 months savings.
37) Garbage disposal in our kitchen.
38) A pretty wreath on our front door.

I very much enjoyed making my list of 100 items!  I think I will even be able to check off a few in the near future.

I found it very interesting that my daughter would love to swim with dolphins and yet I didn't have any desire to add that to my list.  Now that I think about it it does 'sound' better than my idea of shooting a gun but to be quit honest shooting a gun is more practical.  What if I need to get food for our family.  Knowing the proper usage of a gun would be more practical than having a dunk with the dolphins.

Sometimes I am too practical, I know, but I like it that way.

It will be fun to compare my list with that of each family member.

Thank you Lord for making me just the way I am.  I ask that my list would be of honor to you.  Thank you for giving me dreams and desires for the future!

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