Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blessings in every situation

I am blessed!

Yesterday it rained AGAIN however I had a fantastic walk with my brother, pouring rain and all, through beautiful green lush woods.  My doggie loved it too.

Today I awoke to sun and now it is cloudy.  Out my window everything looks like a greenhouse!  So pretty!

Last weekend it rained and rained.  The weather was warm so my Mom and I hiked through the STORM Saturday and enjoyed hearing the frogs chirping loudly....that is such a pretty sound in a rain storm.

When it didn't stop raining I felt no guilt reading and reading and reading on my Kindle.

Soon the rain will stop.  When it does I look forward to planting and 'playing' in our gardens....2 veggie gardens and flowers around my home.

I put up new bird feeders which are squirrel proof.  I still see squirrels trying to get seeds!  They are stinkers!  The birds are enjoying the food and that makes me happy.  I love hearing them chirp and sing.  What a gift God has given us - singing birds!!!

Enjoy every situation - rain, clouds and all!!  Thank you Lord for rain that brings such beauty to grass, plants, flowers and trees!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Loving this lush, rainy weather more than I would think! It is lovely, for sure. The colors of the birds seem more brilliant, too.

I heard you need a sewing machine? I happen to have one sitting in my closet that mocks me for not using it. You are welcome to have it if you like! Let me know.