Monday, May 23, 2011

Saturday Blessings

God blessed us with a beautiful day!  The sun was out ALL day. What a treat!  I purchased & planted our potted flowers.  This is thrilling to me!  I can't wait for them to grow, look full and the moment they are tiny and green.

My dear hubby and neighbor John worked all day to complete our second garden.  The fencing is up.  They did an awesome job (pics below)!  We hope to plant veggies next weekend.  I am praying for a bountiful harvest so we can can, can and can some more!

This afternoon my dear neighbor Rebecca took me on a ride in her jeep (a real jeep with no sides).  It was fun.  We stopped for ice cream and drove around town.  It was a beautiful spring day for a jeep ride!

Our front porch is all set for spring and summer.  I put up a bird feeder on my front porch.  The birds are enjoying it.  I look forward to seeing new birds each day as they munch on seeds and flutter about.  I found a cute bird bath at a second hand store (it's hard to see but it's the clay plate you see right below the bird feeder).  The birds love it!  I am glad I bought it.  It was one of those purchases I almost passed up! 

Jason fixed our lighthouse (pic below).  For years the glass the light shines through was broken.  I am beyond thrilled that it's fixed!  Little things bring me joy.

I also added two hanging baskets to our front porch.  They are a light yellow but seem to be turning an orangy color.  I really enjoy them.

Below is the garden hubby and neighbor worked on.  The view is from our back door and it's pretty!  The entire area was wooded.  The guys removed all of the trees, pulled out roots, dug out stumps, rototilled and made it look fantastic!  I can't wait to get those veggies in and growing.

This is a close up of my front porch baskets.  They are pretty!  Praying for no bugs (for the past two years bugs get my front hanging baskets...not sure why those are the only ones that seem to get bothered)!

I found this lovely shelf at a second hand store for $5!  I think it's so cute.  I think I will put potted plants or herbs on the shelves then it will look complete on our front porch.
Another photo of our garden below.  We are blessed with wonderful neighbors to share a garden.  We are close like family.  Nice to have neighbors like that!  Blessing from God, for sure!  And I am super excited the guys even made room outside of the garden for a pretty flower garden.  We're going to plant something really pretty....but also something that will detour deer.

Below is a picture off of our back patio.  I purchased a new birdfeeder that is squirrel proof.  It's wonderful!  Before I would fill up the feeder each day!  This is lasting over a week.  It's wonderful to see the birds enjoy food throughout the day without squirrels hoarding it all!  I saw a beautiful red cardinal this evening.....God did an awesome job hand painting each bird!

Thank you Lord for blessing us with flowers, birds and beautiful green grass that would not be possible without all of the rain.  And also handy men who work hard to get a garden up and ready for planting! :)  God is GOOD all the time!!!

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