Sunday, June 5, 2011


I am amazed over and over at God's goodness!  I am NOT about getting stuff but God provides for ALL our needs above and beyond!

1) I went to a sale that had tons of clothes just my size, all NAME BRANDS, with many tags still on for $1.00-$2.00 per piece.  I now have some stylish clothes...or at least I think they are stylist and God knew I would like them. :)  AND last week  a friend dropped off a bag of clothing in my exact size!  What are the chances of that!  As we all know finding a pair of jeans that feel comfortable when sitting, bending over without tightness is a miracle!  If I was at the store I would have to try on many pairs to find a nice fit.  Well God knew and delivered them right to my home!  That's how God works!
2) God directed us to a refinance option that will get us debt free sooner than our old plan.  Thank you God!!  Finally feel we are closer.  (We are not in big debt but to us any money owed is debt and we really, really want to be debt free rather than live the American dream of spend, spend, spend.) 

3) Last YEAR I was not paid for a job (didn't even know I wasn't paid!) and they told me last month they are depositing it into my acct this month. God knew I needed it this month.  God is awesome!

4) Garage Sale with clothing in Kayla's exact size and style.  We found capri pants, tank tops and even a leotard for a steal of a deal!

5) A dear friend is offering me her sewing machine.  Isn't God good!!

This year God has showed me how he can bless others if I choose to follow his leading.  For the first time I have nothing to sell at a garage sale.  I have been giving things away as I no longer 'love' the item.  God totally blesses giving.  I see the blessings first hand.  In the past I felt I was without.  This year I can honestly say I do not feel without.  At times I may want or even think I need something but if I wait on God's timing (either money to purchase or someone blesses me with the item) I see God's hand providing rather than my own.

Thank you God!!!


Unknown said...

Hi Dawn,
I was reading your blog, and you may already know this, but on facebook you can like a page called frugal girls! and get updates where there are often free books for your kindle. Most of the time they are Christian Fiction books. I have gotten TONS of books (I just got a kindle for my anniversary, too! but I've been downloading them on my laptop until now!) Anyway, you may already know all this, but I thought I'd share anyway! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the blessings! God is so good to us!

That sewing machine is waiting for me to get my act together and get it to you! The sewing machine, not my act....
