Friday, June 24, 2011


I enjoy quiet, simple days.

Two years ago plus I was a BUSY BEE!  I remember feeling I was always behind.  I had a feeling of 'run, run, run, as fast as you can!'.  I was used to that lifestyle & I began to thrive in it.

Then I started saying no to things.  I began asking God before committing.  It has been neat to see what God puts in my life and those things he pruned out.

I no longer feel rushed (most days).  I still do a lot.  My Mother In Law can't believe how full my calendar is.  The difference now is I'm asking God before making choices.  What a difference that makes!  Doing what is God's will is so simple/relaxing compared to fitting my ideas into God's agenda.

Spending time with the Lord is important to me.  God almost always gives me more time in my day when I give him the first part of my day.  My days don't feel as if they have slipped through my hands.  The day has more meaning and I don't feel behind.  Hard to explain but I have found this so true.

Sitting with my children and really listening to what they have to say without a lot of input has simplified my life.  My children will talk if I am willing to listen.  I don't always need to tell them what they are doing wrong.  Often times they talk things out, I pray, I talk very little, they end up doing the right thing.  I have seen this time and time again!

It helps me to wake early and spend 30 mins tidying the house.  I like to tidy my living room, throw a load of wash in the washer, unload dishwasher, make bed, empty garbage and tidy bathrooms.  If my children stay on top of their chores (or not :)) this morning tidy up is quick.  I have found it's super quick for me to tidy when children are sleeping.  Then they awake and lots of my work gets undone but it still gives me peace to know things were tidy.

I love working in the garden.  I have learned to quietly spend time in my garden.  It's a pleasure to weed and check plants for bugs, prune plants etc.  It used to be another chore.  I am learning enjoyment can be found in the little things!

When my children bicker or have a problem that needs correcting I look at it as an opportunity from God!  (I'm learning this in a book Homeschool SuperMom Not!!).  If you are looking for a book that deals with Homeschool Mom heart issues this IS THE BOOK for you!  It is currently my favorite book (second to the bible).  When my children fight I now realize this is an opportunity for God to work.  It's an amazing concept and so simple if I can simply give it all to God!  When I let God do the work in my children it makes my life simpler.

Burning candles makes me feel refreshed and calm.  I love the smell, the glow.  It's simply a 'simple' joy I have. :)

Buying pretty jars (at garage sales) and putting my foods in them brings me joy.  This is one of those things I LOOVE to do.  Yesterday God blessed me with several glass jars.  I came home and filled them with spices, pastas, beans, cookies, almonds, crackers, cereal.  Pure bliss!!!  Two of the jars are blue/green (like pic).  They are darling!  These jars are old, from the simpler days, and make me feel calm, especially when I open the cupboard and see everything neatly arranged in glass jars.

If I'm completely honest, there are plenty of things that make my heart race, feel tense and bring me near 'freak out' mode.  I will not be discussing those things. ;)  I wanted to focus on how God has blessed me with simpler days.

Have a blessed day with your families!

THANK YOU GOD FOR SHOWING ME HOW TO SIMPLIFY!  I still have a long way to go but you are blessing me each step of the way.

1 comment:

Katy said...

The simple life, although still difficult, is rewarding and full of beauty! I am so, so glad you are enjoying it too!